
the unlikelies

prevention is better than cure,
quotes my april self to my august soul,
keep your heart in a glass display
“we fear fingerprints, do not touch”
a queen’s ruby, shined within an inch of its life:

a casket six inches wide

the white house commissioned fairies in
glass orbs
the future seen in a crystal
ball, their wings caught
up in a tumbleweed

blown this way and that by the western wind.
papa, take me flying, up in
your hot air balloon,
far above
far away

next year wings past me,
powder drifting into my hair,
tattered dry.

there’s no space for me inside your skin.
you wouldn’t last one minute in the city
a city of six-inch caskets and flawless glass

bundle up your hair and start afresh.
the wash blows white
on the line, things
remembering how to flutter.